
【画  家・Artist】



【個 展】
銀座三越/銀座シックス/渋谷西武/新宿伊勢丹本館/浦和伊勢丹/銀座教分館/福屋広島駅前店ギャラリークリエイト/東急百貨店たまプラーザ店/三越スカイギャラリー(新千歳空港)/錦糸町西武/大阪大丸百貨店/札幌三越/札幌丸井今井本店/丸広百貨店上尾店/Gallerie Elyette PEYRE in Paris, France/シロタ画廊/紋別市立博物館まちなか芸術館/紋別市教育文化会館/紀伊國屋書店新宿本店/有隣堂書店等にて個展70回以上。


1982年 「第14回道美展」新人賞受賞/北海道立近代美術館(札幌)
1988年 「第4回コンテンポラリーアートEXPO Tokyo’88展」グランプリ受賞
     ・「ロサンジェルス Japan EXPO」コンベンションセンター/USA
1990 「国際花と緑の博覧会」政府苑招待出品(大阪)
1993 「第2回ARTEX New York展」マーク・コスタビ賞受賞
1994 「第2回ベニヤ版絵画コンクール」金賞受賞尼崎・兵庫県
1999年 「第9回 ART BOX大賞展」月刊ギャラリー賞受賞/ART BOXギャラリー
2010   「第95回二科展」(東京国立新美術館)
               ・Artexpo New York
2015   「テーブルウェア・フェスティバル」東京ドーム
2016年   「ARTEX 台北展」フェニックスセンター鳳凰館3階/台北
2017   「国内外の人気作家展」紀伊國屋書店新宿本店4階フォーラム
2018   「サロン・ドートンヌを彩った画家たち展」八重洲ブックセンター1階ギャラリー
2019   「新春アートフェア」東急百貨店たまプラーザ店B1スキップコート
2020、2021年  「年末年始アートバザール」紀伊國屋書店新宿本店5階特設会場
■  その他、世界のアートフェア、ニューヨーク、パリ、ロサンジェルス、マイアミなどに多数出品。
■  フジテレビ「特ダネ」、NHK「ドキュメント72時間」、北九州テレビ、北海道放送などで紹介される。
■  30年間、社団法人共同通信社から新聞コラムのイラストを依頼され、制作に当たる。

著書「オホーツクの光凛」 めるくまーる社刊

Ichiro Takezawa was born in Mombetsu City, Hokkaido, so-called City of Drift Ice, along the Sea of Okhotsk.

In 1983, he graduated from Fine Arts Department at Dohto University, majoring Visual Design.
In 1983〜1989, he worked as a Graphic Designer.
In 1989, he established a Gaia Symphony Co.,Ltd. (A current address is Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo,Japan)
In 2003, he created his business cooperation, Ichiro Art Studio at Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

■ Documentation of one-man shows

1988, Shouu Gallery in Tokyo, Japan
1990, Shirota Gallery in Tokyo and
Daimaru Department store in Osaka, Japan
1991, Cultural Hall at Mombetsu city, Hokkaido, Seiyu community college
in Saitama, and Creart Gallery in Osaka, Japan
1993, Seiyu Odawara EPO Hall, in Kanagawa and Lalanne Gallery
in Tokyo, Japan
1994, Sky Gallery, Mitsukoshi Department Store, Hokkaido, Japan
1995, Seibu Studio at Kinshi-cho, Tokyo, Japan
1998, Gallerie Elyette PEYRE in Paris, France
2001, Gallery Tokyo Eizo in Tokyo, Japan
2002, Gallery Tokyo Eizo in Tokyo, Japan
2005, Yurindo, bookstore chain, Yokohama
Nishiguchi Store (a special event), in Kanagawa, Japan
2006, Gallery Rutan in Tokyo, Japan
2007, Gallery Tokyo Eizo in Tokyo, Japan
2008, Ginza Kyobunkan, Ein-Karem Gallery in Tokyo, Japan
2011, shinjyuku Isetan Art Gallery in Tokyo, Japan

2012~2014 maruiimai Sapporo Arts and crafts Gallery, Hokkaido, Japan
2012~2019 Tamaplaza Tokyu Department Store
        Art salon in Yokohama, Japan
2019~2020 Fukuya Gallery create in Hiroshima, Japan
2020,shibuya Seibu, Tokyo, Japan
   Sapporo mitsukoshi, Hokkaido, Japan

■ Performances

1989, ‘Gaia Symphony’ at Art Spot Furufuru in Tokyo, Japan
‘The Fourth Body’ at Seibu Studio, Kinshi-cho, Tokyo, Japan
1990, ‘The Earth Day Japan ‘90’ at the Performance Plaza,
Yume-no-shima, Koto-ku, Tokyo,
International Exposition; Flowers and Greens
at Seikatsu-Mirai-Kan(a house for future living) in Osaka,
International Art Exhibition; ‘Apartheid No!’ at Cession
Suginamiin Tokyo, Japan.
1992, ‘Auto Poiesis’ at Tokyo Art Theater, Tokyo, Japan
1995, ‘Listen to songs of the Earth’ at Seibu Studio
at Kinshi-cho, Tokyo, Japan
1998, ‘Human Christmas Tree’ Ginza Kimuraya flagship store
in Tokyo,Japan
2002, ‘Vegetal-man’at Gallery Tokyo Eizo in Tokyo, Japan and
at Silk Gallery, at the Embassy of Japan & Insa-dong
in Seoul, Korea
2003, ‘Mirror-man’at Gallery Ono in Tokyo, Japan
2008, ‘28th Modern Art International Exchange Exhibition’
at The O(Oh) Museum of Art in Tokyo, Japan
He has also done numerous street performances in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan; Soul, Korea; and Paris, France.

■ Prizes and activities
1982, A new star prize from ‘14th Dohbi Exhibition’ at Hokkaido Modern Art Museum, Japan
1987, A winner at ‘8th Japan Graphic Art Exhibition’ at Shibuya-Parco PART-1 in Tokyo, Japan
1988, The Grand Prix prize from ‘4th Contemporary Art Expo Tokyo ’88’, at ‘Ginza Mikalady, the Space’ in Tokyo, Japan
‘L.A.Japan Expo’ at Convention Center in Los Angeles, USA
‘7th Japan Illustration Exhibition’ at Isetan Department Store in Tokyo, Japan
1989, A winner at ‘Art Beyond the Limits ‘89 Exhibition’ at Kanagawa City Hall Gallery, Japan
A production of wall painting at ‘Marvelous Café Pacha’ in Tokyo, Japan
‘Three Eyes Exhibition’ at ‘Awaji-cho Gallery’ in Tokyo, Japan
1990, Invited to ‘at The International Garden and Greenery Exposition’ at Government Pavilion in Osaka, Japan
‘2nd Harajuku Art Festival’ at Meiji Shrine, Tokyo, Japan
1991, ‘Ecology Art Exhibition’ at NTT Surugadai, Tokyo, Japan
1992, ‘1st ARTEX Tokyo Exhibition’ –at Tokyo metropolitan art space-participants; Taro Okamoto, Toshimitsu Imai, Tadanori Yokoo, and others.
A stage set production for Arishina Juju’s play, “Frogs never sing on Red”, at ‘Seibu Studio Ams’, in Tokyo, Japan
1993, A winner of Mark Kostabi Prize from ‘2nd ARTEX New York Exhibition’ at Cast Iron Gallery in New York, USA
A production of a wall painting (40×2 meters), at JR Kokura Station, Kita-Kyushu City, Japan
‘3rd Gathering on Life’- participants; Shunosuke Ohkura, Hiroshi Hori, Seitaro Kuroda, Seigo Matsuoka and others.
A stage set production plus art exhibition at Laforet Museum Akasaka in Tokyo, Japan
1994, A Gold Prize at ‘2nd Plywood Picture Contest’ in Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan
‘6th Sam Hall Art Exhibition’ at Kagoshima City Museum, Japan
‘Special Exhibition to help the victims of Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake’ at Sogetsu Hall in Tokyo, Japan
1996, A winner of Gérard Xuriguera prize from ‘4th ARTEX Paris Exhibition’, Galerie Etienne de Causans in Paris, France
‘6th Art Box Prize Exhibition’ at Azabu Craft Art Museum, Japan
‘81st Nika Exhibition’ at Ueno-no-Mori Museum, in Tokyo, Japan
1997, ‘2nd Showa Shell Oil Modern Art Prize Winner Exhibition’ at Tokyo International Forum, Japan
‘6th ARTEX Paris Exhibition’ at Galerie Elyette PEYRE, Paris, France
1999, A winner of ‘Monthly Gallery Prize’ at ‘9th Art Box Grand Prix Exhibition’, Japan
2001,‘15th ARTEX Tokyo Exhibition’ at Tokyo International Forum, Japan
2002,‘16th ARTEX London Exhibition’ at the Tabernacle Trust, Tablet Gallery in London, UK
‘2nd Triennale Exhibition’ at Shimin Gallery in Mombetsu City, Hokkaido, Japan
‘Korea-Japan Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition’ Silk Gallery,at the Embassy of Japan & Insa-dong in Seoul, Korea
‘17th Modern Art International Exchange Exhibition’ at ‘Art Contrast’ in Barcelona, Spain
2003, ‘1st New Year Print Exhibition’ at Rutan Gallery, in Tokyo, Japan
‘1st Europe-Japan Contemporary Art International Exchange Exhibition’ at Ono Gallery in Tokyo, Japan
2004, ‘2rd New Year Print Exhibition’ at Rutan Gallery in Tokyo, Japan
‘19th Modern Art International Exchange Exhibition’ at Ward-Nasse Gallery in New York, USA
‘3rd Triennale Exhibition’ at Shimin Gallery in Mombetsu City, Hokkaido, Japan
2005, ‘3rd New Year Print Exhibition’ at Rutan Gallery in Tokyo, Japan
2006,‘25th Modern Art International Exchange Exhibition’ at Ward-Nasse Gallery in New York, USA
‘2nd UNICEF Charity Event; International Exhibition by masters of arts’ at Kochi City Cultural Plaza in Kochi, Japan
2007,‘The Popular Artists in the World Exhibition’ at Tama Plaza Tokyu in Yokohama, Japan–at a special exhibition the first floor of Yurindo book store
2008, Yurindo Gallery, head office at Isezaki-cho, Yokohama, Japan
‘28th Modern Art International Exchange Exhibition’ at The O(Oh) Museum of Art in Tokyo, Japan

2010 Art Expo” New York
【Salon Art Shopping】Exposez vos œuvres au Carrousel de Louvre in Paris, France
2013 【Salon d’automne】 in Paris, France
2014 【Salon d’automne】 in Paris, France
2015 Tableware Festival Tokyo-dome
2016 ARTEX Taipei Exhibition in taiwan
2017 Popular domestic and foreign painters Exhibition in kinokuniya Bookstore shinjuku-main-store
2018 Popular domestic and foreign painters Exhibition in Yaesu Bookcenter Yaesu-main-store
2019 summer Art fair in Tamaplaza Tokyu Department Store
2020 spring Art fair in Tamaplaza Tokyu Department Store